4X5 Experiment
During my studies at TMU’s Photography Program I was able to access the 4X5 cameras on campus. I decided to try them out to enhance my understanding of frame and composition as well as experimenting with a new photographic process. What I found was that working with a 4X5 slows down your shooting pace and forces you to take into account the planning before the photoshoot and paying close attention to your composition as well as lighting. An interesting aspect of the 4X5 that I really connected with was only limit amount of frames to work with, the process of developing, and scanning. The long process of creating a single frame allowed me to care for and connected to each image I was creating. Overall creating images on a 4X5 forced me to slow down and care for each image, which is important sometimes to remember when photographic on a digital medium as at times it can feel very industrial.